Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My Own Zodiac *Sea Star Zodiac*

Hello everyone!!! Have you enjoyed your Easter holiday? I hope you enjoyed it J
Now, in this part I’ll tell you about zodiac. Do you know your zodiac? I believe that all of us have their zodiac which maybe similar with other people' zodiac. Talk about zodiac, do you ever think about create or make your own zodiac? Do you ever think, that if you create or make your own zodiac so you’ll have your own zodiac difference from other people’ zodiac? I guess some of you ever thought about it. I also want to create my own zodiac in my way. My own zodiac have different symbol with our general zodiacs(e.g: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, ect.). So, What do you think be my own zodiac’ symbol? SEA STAR!!! ^0^
Yups, my own zodiac’ symbol was Sea Star. Why did I choose Sea Star as my own zodiac’ symbol? I chose Sea Star because I have some personalities, not just one. Do you ever look Sea Stars’ picture? Sea Stars have five sides, right? It’s nearly same with my personalities. I can say that Sea Star looked like me, which have some personalities. Do you curious about the characteristics of Sea Star zodiac? Okay, I’ll tell you more about Sea Star zodiac’ characteristics. J

Sea Star zodiac' symbol

I think, Sea Star zodiac’ personalities were sensitive, hardworking, perceptive, and extremely intelligent individuals who often spend a lot of time alone with their thoughts. Sea Stars lives are carefully planned to avoid making mistakes or experiencing failure. Although very reflective of the past and focused on the future, but sometimes Sea Stars must take the time to slow down from chasing their big dreams to simply exist in a peaceful, restful state as their animal namesakes often do. Sea Stars are good friends who care about those close to them. They can be hard to get to know, but once you do you begin to understand what drives them.
Sea Stars need a career they can sink their teeth into, something that makes them feel alive and useful, and which uses all of their strengths. At the same time, they can easily feel bored and out of place in the wrong career, so trying a few different jobs out (internships, etc.) is a good idea. A lot of time was spent trying to get to the “right place”, and Sea Stars won’t hesitate to invest a great deal into their future, whether that means traveling to a new city for work, going to an expensive school, or apprenticing for very little immediate gain.
Yups, in my opinion that are all Sea Star zodiac’ characteristics. Where do all the characteristics from? Some characteristics taken from my personalities and some other characteristics I get from my own idea.
Yeah... I think that’s all about my own zodiac. Maybe, you can try to create your own zodiac if you want. So, you can have your own and difference zodiac. J
Okay everyone, thank you for your time to read my blog. J
If you have some critics and suggestions, please give your comment in my blog. So, I can pay attention on my mistakes and improve my writing skill.
Have a nice day guys... J


  1. Hai catrine, I want to give you an advice. How about if you take starfish in your zodiac name? I think it is look cooler :D
    At first, I would write the same with you about starfish. But, when I opened your blog, you already used it :( :D
    That is a good describe catarina! By the way, why you take J in your article after you take a dot? Is that a mistake on your writing ?

    1. hii nitaa :D
      thank u for your comment and your advice, but maybe I'll still use Sea Star as my zodiac name, so it will make a different between mine and yours if you also want to write about starfish. :)
      J isn't a mistake nita, but it's a smile emoticon nitaa :)


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