Monday, April 11, 2016

A Special Event :)

Hello guys…
In this part, I’ll tell you about a special event that was held in my campus a few days ago. Are you curious? So, just read my blog and give some comment about my writing skill. Thank you guys… :)
A few days ago, precisely on 8th April 2016 was a special day for the students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Widya Mandala Catholic University, especially for students of English Department of Widya Mandala Catholic University.  Why did I say that? I said that because on that day Widya Mandala Catholic University held a special event. What was that event? International Culture Festival and Celebration !!! Why that event was said to be special? That event was a special event because that event  was the first time held by the majors. Besides attended by Mr. Koncoro Foe, the Rector of Widya Mandala Catholic University, this event was also attended by some foreign people who were representatives of their countries’ cultures. Besides that, Widya Mandala Catholic University has also invited some representatives of students from some Senior High Schools. This event was very lively because it was followed by seven countries, they are France, Belarus, China, Spain, Netherlands, Germany and of course Indonesia. Each representative’ country presented about the culture of each country, in addition we also entertained with cultural performances from some other countries. Presentation shown contains not only about the culture of each country, but also contains the history of each country, the country's situation and also some representatives’ countries be taught us about foreign’ languages.

Although that event was the first time, but that event was able to attract a lot of attention. For the future, I hope that this event will continue. Because through that event, our knowledge increases. we not only know the cultures of our country, but also the cultures of others countries. And that event made we learn  how to appreciate the differences. The difference should not be a distance, but it should unify us to be a large family. :)

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